
Trailer Sailer Association of SA


Monthly General Meetings are held on 1st Tuesday of the month (except January) at the Henley Sailing Club commencing at 8:00pm.


Henley Sailing Club

1 Seaview Rd, West Beach SA 5024


Enter the club rooms via the eastern external stairs as shown in the adjacent photo.

Members generally arrive from 7:30pm to have a chat and make use of the club's bar facilities. This also ensures that the meeting can start promptly at 8:00pm.


Anyone interested in attending a meeting is welcome but you are requested to contact the President or Vice President (see details in 'Contacts') prior to the meeting if possible, just in case there has been a change in meeting dates or venue.

The formal meeting is conducted according to the TSASA Constitution with the Chairperson usually being the President.  The meeting includes brief reports from Committee Members and other Office Holders providing members with up to date details on the Association's activities and financial details. There is also an opportunity for any member to raise an issue during the 'General Business' period.


The formal meeting, which generally lasts about 45 minutes, is followed by a short break then the meeting is turned over to the Guest Speaker.

Meeting have either an external expert guest speaker presenting subjects of interest, or one of our own members providing some new technical information or perhaps an account of a recent sailing trip. Over the years the 'Guest Speaker' segment has informed, educated and amused members with a wide variety of sailing related topics. 

The meeting is followed by hot tea or coffee and the club bar is also available. Usually members stay to chat and plan their next sailing adventure.