
Trailer Sailer Association of SA

Become a Member

Not a member?

An invitation to prospective member’s to “Come and Try” Sailing

Our local cruises and weekend social events often provide an ideal opportunity for interested people to come and get to know us, jump from one boat to another to compare fittings, features and accommodation, or experience a short sail in sheltered waters.   

If you are interested contact our Secretary at trailersailerassoc@gmail.com who will put you in contact with one of our members who has volunteered their services. 

Please don’t be shy as we were all beginners at one stage.  

Our Association, which is substantially made of couples and families, has a very long standing reputation for friendship.

Benefits of being a member:

  • Maximise the use and enjoyment of your trailerable yacht
  • Provides an extensive program of on-water activities, including a wide variety of cruises
  • Have fun, enjoy the company of other members in a friendly atmosphere
  • Learn from the collective experiences of the members
  • Improve your sailing skills and knowledge of the waterways
  • Experience a wide range of sailing conditions and locations

But most of all.....

"There's nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as messing about in boats"

Kenneth Grahame. 'The Wind in the Willows'


Membership Fee

Membership is for a financial year and is only $55.00 (2023-24) . There is no additional new-member or joining fee required. Membership covers a family including 2 adults (the primary member being registered with Australia Sailing, and both adults having full TSASA voting rights) and up to 2 children under 18 (without voting rights).

Australia Sailing

The TSASA is an Affiliate Class Associate of Australian Sailing (AS), the governing body for the sport of Sailing in Australia.  Each primary member of a family will, as part of them becoming a TSASA member, be registered in the Australian Sailing membership system and given a unique AS Number.  The AS Number will provide access to their personal records through the 'mySailor' system.  If you have been or are a member of any sailing club associated with Australian Sailing you will already have an AS Number.  If you do not know your AS Number use the AS Number Finder. as you will need it as part of your membership application.

To Become a Member

Once you have decided to become a member it's simple.  Just select the most convenient option.......

  1. Contact the Secretary to obtain a Membership Application or download and print the Membership Application form below, complete it and mail it to the Secretary. Don't forget to make the annual membership fee payment as shown on the form.
  2. As an alternative, you are welcome to attend any of our General Monthly Meetings to find out more about us. You can fill out a membership form and pay in cash at any meeting (please bring the correct amount).
  3. A third option is to use the online membership registration system provided below.

To complete a membership application the TSASA requires details of you, your partner and any children under 18 plus details of your boat (if you have one), towing vehicle and trailer and a range of other information related to on-water safety. This information is stored in a secure database and only used for internal administration and safety purposes. In addition, Australian Sailing requires a range of information about you to understand who in Australia is involved in various aspects of sailing.

Before you start your application form or the online membership registration, check you have the following information at hand.

Your Details

  • Home phone, Mobile phone, Alternate mobile phone, Email address, Home address
  • Emergency contact name and phone number
  • Spouse/partner name, Children under 18 names
  • Name of Sailing Club where you are a member
  • How do you want the TSASA monthly newsletter delivered? Email, post or both?

Your Boat, Trailer, Towing Vehicle

  • Name of Yacht, Make & Model of Yacht, Year Yacht Manufacture, Sail Number
  • Hull Colour, Deck Colour, Boat Rego Number, Trailer Rego Number, VHF Radio
  • Car Make, Car Rego Number

Ready to Apply for TSASA Membership?

If you have all the information then you're ready.  Join Now


Files available for download